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Marketing tip of the month

Karen Fewell
June 2008

The Internet has changed all our lives forever, especially the way we get information. What do you do when you need more information? The answer is we tend to Google it. That is we put the words we are looking for into the Google search engine. We enter a word or phrase and you usually get thousands if not millions of results. Did you know that 80% of users never look through the results beyond page 2 or 3 at the most?

So as a business you need to be on those first few pages. If you're a business trying to sell your products and services online you need to know that 60% of ecommerce transactions happen as a result of a click in a search engine. Therefore getting your site as high up in the page rankings as possible is a must.

If you're not using the latest search engine optimisation methods on your site, then you can be sure that your competitors are. You're the ones losing sales. Those who've put time into optimising their site will be getting that advantage and taking away your potential audience.

When you consider what traditional marketing tools cost these days compared to putting yourself online, doesn't it seem logical to use this cost effective method of advertising to it's full potential.

Search Engine Optimisation is an industry that is changing all the time, so stay ahead of the game and come back here again for more information or contact


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