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Marketing tip of the month

Nicola Proud
Don't include gobbledygook in your copy

December 2007

Plain English Day takes place on 11th December 2007 so this month we are going to focus on writing in plain English and not using gobbledygook.
Plain English can be defined as writing that the intended audience can read, understand and act upon the first time they read it. It takes into account design and layout as well as language.
You should use plain English in all documents that will be read by the public including forms, leaflets, agreements, contracts, websites and other promotional material.
If you visit the Plain English Campaign’s website at you will find some fantastic information to help you write in plain English.  This includes:

  • A free guide ‘How to write in Plain English’
  • Examples of gobbledygook
  • Advice on writing in specific situations
  • Information on training courses
  • Details of the Crystal Mark
  • Awards information

Think about the words you are using for everything you write.  If your customers, colleagues or the general public don’t understand what you have said they won’t take the information in.  Test the copy you have written by showing other people before it is made public. 

Don’t use language the reader won’t understand, this applies even to those in your own workplace.  It can create a barrier between the writer and the reader. 

Why not review the copy that has already been written for the public in your workplace?




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