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Marketing tip of the month

Karen Fewell
Use links to drive traffic to your website

October 2007

Whether you have a new website that you want to tell people about or you want to drive more traffic to your website links are a great way to do it.  At the simple click of a button someone can be on your website.  By using links in the right way it can not only increase visitors but can improve the quality of visitors’.

  • Include links to your website in emails you send out to customers and potential customer.  You should try and have clickable links at several points in the email but at least once at the start and at the end.  If it is your first contact this will also make your email shorter as you will be referring them to your website for further information. 

  • Find other companies and organisations that you can share links with.  This means you put their website link on your site and they put yours on their site.  Make sure the organisation has a relevant link to the work you do e.g. if you are a jazz band looking to promote your services you could link up with event companies, hotels and wedding suppliers for example.  Remember it is quality not quantity so try to only link to websites that are relevant to yours. 

  • Use your web statistics to measure where people are clicking through to your site from so you can see whether your links are working. 

  • Put your website address on all literature you produce or send out.  This will encourage people to visit the site for more information or remind them that your site is available.




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